Nielsen, the audience measurement, data and analytics company, has launched its new audience data solution for CTV – Streaming Signals. Aimed at both CTV operators and advertisers, the “first-of-its-kind” solution works to identify which individual of a household is most likely to be in front of the screen when the connected TV is being used.
Streaming Signals integrates Nielsen’s gold standard panel data with custom machine learning models to identify who is in the household based on historical viewership data. A signal is then sent to CTV operators within 50 milliseconds of the viewer tuning into a programme, alerting them to who is most likely currently watching. From there, the CTV provider can deliver ads which are better targeted based on person-level demographics.
“For example” Nielsen says, “if Sons of Anarchy is being watched within a household, the 35-year-old male likely watching the show will be shown an auto ad instead of yogurt ad, giving CTV operators the ability to sharpen ad deliver from their inventory.”
Nielsen believes the solution will allow marketers to make faster, more optimal choices while targeting ads, reducing wastage and increasing the reach of their campaigns. Additionally, CTV ad inventory which is more accurately packaged and facilitates real-time targeting should boost revenues for media owners. Combining Streaming Signals with Nielsen’s Digital Ad Rating (DAR) – a deduplicated audience measurement solution which gives clients insight into the age and gender demographics of viewers reached in CTV campaigns – is an effective way advertisers/CTV operators can ensure ad accuracy and relevance, according to the company.
“Nielsen Streaming Signals brings a layer of unmatched real-time, person-level demographic precision to audience optimisation,” says Ameneh Atai, General Manager of Digital and Advanced TV, Nielsen. “We know that the media industry is going through accelerated change, switching to a streaming-first approach, and with an audience watching programming whenever, wherever, and on a number of devices. Nielsen is the only one that is unbundling the household because we are the only ones that sit at the intersection of the streaming behaviour and audience data.”